Thursday, 31 December 2009
Friday, 25 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
What I am up to and prize draw
So what I have been doing during all this time? Nothing new really...mostly making beads.
I am enjoying making sea themed beads at the moment and particularly these type of beads below. I call them coast bead, not a very original name (I know at least a dozen of bead makers who make beads called 'Coast' beads) but I could not manage to think of another name as these were very much inspired by the 'Coast' program which shows beautiful aerial coastal views.

Prize draw:
I am organizing a prize draw. The prize is this bead:

This bead was meant to be a pressed rockpool focal bead. Unfortunately, the bead release on my mandrel broke (the bead release is like a clay product that you put on the stainless steel rod (the mandrel) to stop the glass sticking to it). This usually means that the bead is doomed as it spins freely on the mandrel and you completely lose control of a big bit of molten glass.
I was not happy!!! I had spent an hour to get to this point, so I decided to not ditch it in my water jar (the water makes it explode in thousands of little bits which can be quite soothing in this kind of situation :-) ).
Instead, I decided to stick it in the kiln and give it to my little girl who inherits all my failed beads for her 'collection', gave up making beads for the day and ordered some heavy duty bead release to stop this problem happening again.
I opened the kiln the next day and found a rockpool bead that actually looked like a rock. It was never intended to look like this but it turned out a good bead.
Send me an email if you would like to be entered in the draw for a chance to win it.
Added on the 10th: My email address is (replace at with @). I will draw a name on 31st December.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
...and the winner of the prize draw is...
Thank you to everyone who took part, please keep an eye on my blog as they will be more before Christmas.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Prize Draw - Tirage au sort
The bead set that you might win is shown below. This is a set of 18 tiny beads made in silver glass.
Send me an email with your name (or any name that you will recognize if you do not prefer to have your name published in my blog, should you be the winner) and 'Prize draw' in the subject line.
My email address is :
I will draw a name at the end of October.

J'organise un tirage au sort.
Contactez-moi par email avec votre nom ou pseudo en précisant dans le sujet qu'il s'agit du tirage au sort.
Le tirage du gagnant pour le set ci-dessus aura lieu à la fin du mois d'Octobre.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Blowing my own trumpet!
I am delighted at this!
Here is a link for everybody interested:
Thursday, 3 September 2009
The Scottish bead fair (and all the excitement) is over!!!

We started the day early and even had to get the kiddies out of bed (a first! as they are the ones who usually throw us out of bed at the crack of dawn!) and drove down to Fife to drop them off at their uncle Davy, auntie Jill and cousins' house for a day of fun.
We then swiftly made our way to Perth and felt very pleased and smug to have made it just in time (we have always been late on previous occasions...) only to realise that we forgot to take some very nice beads with us (the sea/rock pool themed beads pictured in my previous post)...
We felt a little bit down about forgetting the beads (a lot of work went into the beads and the accompanying display) but we set up our stand, the doors opened, everybody came in and the day soon brightened up.
It was busy day, with a steady stream of people throughout the afternoon. It was a pleasure as usual to speak to so many people who share my interest in beads and jewellery.
The fair is over now and once I have tidyed up my house (which looks like a bombsite at the moment) I will look forward to a little bit of time-off after an extremely busy month of August.
My website will be updated shortly with new beads, plus the nice beads I forgot to take at the bead fair and I will try to add new beads to it on a more regular basis.
Thanks to everybody who stopped to chat and especially to everybody who purchased my handmade lampwork beads.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
A very quick post...
I had a fantastic time...nice studio, wonderful teacher and very lovely people. The class was in Dublin at Cadenza studio.
Here are some pictures of beads I have made for the bead fair on Sunday.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Holidays are over - Les vacances sont finies
I will be an exhibitor at the Scottish Bead Fair in Perth on the 30th of August. I do not have very many beads at the moment, so I am going to have to have to torch very hard to build up my stock and keep my website and etsy shop going at the same time. That is on top of my other occupation which consists of writing databases (I much prefer making beads).
On the 26th of August, I am going to Dublin to attend a week-end class with the very talented and unique Claudia Trimbur-Pagel. I am very excited about this class and I cannot wait.
I will also have to entertain Téo and Juliette (my two kiddies) until the 18th of August when school starts again.
Juliette will start her first year in primary school.
Finally, there is also the fact that we have started a few DIY projects in our house which is in total chaos at the moment, but I guess this is not a priority and tidying up can wait for a little while. I am definitely not a domestic godess! :-D
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Promenade dans le jardin - A walk in the garden

La maison des insectes pour favoriser l'implantation d'insectes polénisateurs.
The insect house to help pollinating insects settle down in the garden.

Une des deux maisons pour les hérissons.
One of the two hedgehogs house.

Saturday, 11 July 2009
Marche avec un âne dans le Brionnais – A walk through the Brionnais with a donkey

You can find more pictures on Flickr.
Pour plus de photos sur Flickr, suivez ce lien.
Céline nous a remis les cartes de notre itinéraire avec des descriptifs très détaillés et nous a parlé des détails du parcours.
Téo et Juliette ont joué avec les trois enfants de la ferme et leurs animaux, nous avons mangé et puis au lit dans une très belle chambre d’hôte.

Céline gave us detailed maps and very precise descriptions of our walk.

Nous avons appris à le bâter, équilibrer sa charge, curer ses sabots et puis la balade à commencé.
La première heure a consisté à mieux faire connaissance.
Il s’est collé contre nous quand quelque chose l’effrayait. I l nous a fait des câlins, nous lui avons fait des ‘papouilles’, il a essayé de brouter le long du chemin mais nous avons été strict car brouter ou marcher, il faut choisir.
Quand Juliette est montée sur son dos pour la première fois, la reine n’était pas sa cousine.
L’aprés midi nous a réservé une bonne grimpette et notre rythme de marche à commencé à ralentir sérieusement et finalement Téo et Juliette ont calé.
Heureusement, super Olive est arrivé à la rescousse et les a poussé à petits coups de nez dans le dos pour les faire avancer, déclenchant l’hilarité de tous.
En fin d'aprés midi, Françoise nous a accueilli au Coq à l’âne, une ancienne chèvrerie convertie en gîte de caractère, entouré de petites poules, lapins, ânes, cochons d’inde, oies, chats, chien…
Nous avons mangé comme des rois et je repars la tête pleine d’idées culinaires.
He was a very cuddly donkey and we gave him loads of affection back.
He tried to graze on hoof along the way but we were strict because in the hard world of hillwalking it is either walk or graze.
We ate a delicious meal which left my head full of new culinary ideas.

Nous avons quitté le ‘Coq à l’âne’ pour une marche de 12 km par des chemins de traverse et de jolis sous bois, en passant par le très joli village fortifié de Semur en Brionnais.
Malheureusement, Olive a eu vraiment très peur des plaques d’égout et a eu soin de toutes les éviter en faisant de grands écarts. C’était assez comique mais il n’a pas apprécié la traversée du village.
De retour dans les bois tout s’est arrangé et nous sommes arrivés à ‘la vie en rose’, superbe ferme restaurée par un couple Belge très convivial, Luc ,brocanteur de charme et Mireille, patchworkeuse de rêve.
Là, nous avons mangé les meilleures canellonis du monde.
Leur site internet :
Wednesday (12 km)
We said our goodbyes to the ‘Coq à l’âne’ and started a 12 km walk through beautiful field and forest tracks and through a beautiful village called Semur en Brionnais.
Unfortunately, Olive was very frightened by manhole and drain covers on the road and was very careful to go a long way round them. It was quite funny but he was a nervous wreck after crossing the village.
Things improved for Olive once we were in the woods again and we made our way to ‘La vie en rose’, a beautiful farm restaured by a very welcoming Belgian couple, Luc and Mireille.
We had cannelonis for dinner (amongst many other tasty dishes) which John claims are the best he has ever eaten ! (even after living in Italy for 2 years)
Their website :
Nous avons quitté ‘La vie en rose’ (recette de canellonis en poche) pour retourner à notre point de départ, à 8 km de là.
Nous avons fait nos adieux à Olive et sommes repartis à Nogent, la tête pleine d’une belle promenade bucolique de trois jours, charmés par la gentillesse de tout nos hôtes et par la qualité de leur accueil, ravi par la personnalité de notre compagnon de voyage.
Une expérience que nous recommencerons sans aucuns doutes.
We left ‘La vie en rose’ (with Mireille’s recipe for the cannelonis) to walk the very pleasant, last 8 km back to our starting point.
We bid farewell to Olive and drove back to Nogent, our heads full of a relaxing and bucolic 3 days wak, delighted by the kindness of all our hosts and by the quality of their welcome, accomodation, food and charmed by our little donkey’s personality.
This is an experience that we definely want to repeat.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Les vacances - Holidays

We went to the Eiffel tower the following morning and climbed up the first two floors under an oppressing heat.
Juliette had been dreaming about the Eiffel tower ever since she watched Ratatouille at the cinema.
We then ended this short stay in Paris and took the train for the 3 hours journey to my parents house in Nogent (Haute-Marne). Nogent is a little town in the south of the Champagne Ardennes region where I grew up. It is known for its industry of quality knives and scissors.
It is a very woody, green and rural part of France, a very peaceful place which has not changed very much in the last 17 years that I have spent in Scotland.
Tomorrow, we are off on a three days walk (from farm to farm) with a little donkey.

Monday, 15 June 2009
New ventilation and beads just for me
I have been out of action (beadwise) for a few days as I have upgraded the ventilation system in my studio.
I now have a very powerful fan that bends my flame, give me a cold nose and pulls all the fumes away. I will now feel safe venturing into the world of enamels which I am really looking forward to as I really love the effects that can be achieved.
Anyway, I decided to test my new set up and made tiny little beads for a macrame bracelet with Griffin silk.
I made the blue purple beads a few weeks ago but I don't think that the colour goes well with the colour of the thread that I have ordered, so I made some new ones in a golden, irridescent glass which I think will co-ordinate in a much nicer way.
Then, I decided to attempt a tutorial by a very talented and famous beadmaker called Jennifer Geldard.
I managed to put my own little spin on it and I am very pleased with the result.
I think I am going to expand on this theme.
Here is the window bead:
Friday, 12 June 2009
La langue de Molière et la langue de Shakespeare.
I live between two languages. English is not my mother tongue and although I am fluent, there is much space for improve
I am hoping that this blog will help
J’évolue entre deux langues : au cours de
Ecrire un blog bilingue peut être une source de perfectionne